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Vatican Says Maria Valtorta’s Alleged Visions ‘Cannot Be Regarded as Having a Supernatural Origin’

Why the Pope Loves Pizza and Hates TV: 12 Things to Know About Francis...
Matthew McDonald
A selective life story of Pope Francis was published in January. While largely focused on events, Hope: The Autobiography also includes moral and spiritual reflections. Some have noted that much of the information is already well-known. However, for those less familiar with Pope Francis, the book offers interesting insights, not only from what he says but in what he leaves unsaid. Here are some key takeaways...

What are you reading for Lent this year? Here are some recommendations from Son Rise regular guests...

What Near-Death Survivors Can Teach Us About Heaven and Hell...
Chris Stefanick
Chris Stefanick sits down with John Burke, who’s interviewed over 1,500 people who have had near-death experiences. These are real accounts that will challenge your thinking and open your eyes to the truth of eternity. From the overwhelming beauty of Heaven to the shocking, heartbreaking reality of Hell, these stories will shake you to your core.

Visa Program Used by Thousands of Catholic Nuns Set to End Next Thursday...

The Evangelical to Anglican to Catholic Pipeline...

Lent and the Purification of Memory...
George Weigel
On December 20, 2002, I was at lunch in the papal department when the wide-ranging conversation John Paul II always encouraged took an unexpected turn, with the pope asking me how President Ronald Reagan was doing. As it happened, I had recently run into Reagan’s former attorney general, Edwin Meese, and had asked the same question. The answer was a sad one.

Ash Wednesday: ‘Remember, Man, You Are Dust and to Dust You Will Return’...

A People Defined by Sacrifice...

8 Ways to Share Your Catholic Faith on Ash Wednesday...
Marcel LeJeune
Ash Wednesday will soon be here and it is a good day to share your Catholic faith with others. In fact, Ash Wednesday Masses generally have more people attend that even Christmas and Easter — which shows a high level of engagement. Below are some suggestions on how to evangelize on Ash Wednesday. When asked, explain why you have ashes on your forehead. It is nearly inevitable that if you get your ashes early enough in the day...

Full Text: Msgr. James Shea at the 2025 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast...
Msgr. James Shea
Your Eminence, your Excellencies, my brother priests, beautiful religious who are here with us, dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I feel like the luckiest man in the world. I was so scared to get up here and give this talk. I've been really nervous about it for the 20th anniversary of the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, with all of you amazing people...

When diocesan abuse policies violate canon law...

20th-Century Mystic Wanda Boniszewska Bore the Stigmata for Priests...
John Grondelski
What is distinctive about her? Two things. Sister Wanda was said to have had mystical visions, which she wrote down. She also was said to have borne for some period of her life (at least in the 1930s) stigmata — wounds in her hands, feet and side, and marks of scourging. They manifested themselves irregularly, but usually on Thursdays and Fridays, and particularly during Lent.

Why Are Protestant Bibles Smaller?
Clement Harrold
How many books are in the Bible? Well, it depends on who you ask! While Protestants and Catholics agree on the 27 books of the New Testament, there is disagreement over the canon of the Old Testament. During the Reformation, the Protestant reformers removed seven books from the Old Testament — Wisdom, Sirach (or Ecclesiasticus), Tobit, Judith, Baruch, 1 and 2 Maccabees...

This Sunday, Jesus Says to Fight 3 Kinds of Pride This Lent...

A Pilgrim’s Guide to Sodom...

The Gift of a Good Teacher...

Why St. Gregory of Narek Became a Doctor of the Church...

What Should You Be Doing for Lent? Here’s How to Figure It Out... ...
David Deavel
“What are you doing for Lent?” It’s a good question. Parents often ask their children. Friends ask each other. If we haven’t been preparing ourselves during the “pre-Lent” period found in many Catholic rites, we may well be asking ourselves this right now as Ash Wednesday looms. Is it the right question, though? It does not seem that it is the wrong question...

Standing With Mary at the Foot of the Cross...
Archbishop Samuel Aquila
Every Lent leads to the same mystery: the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Every Lent prepares the Church and all her members to experience and participate more profoundly in the Paschal Mystery. It is a season of purging our souls of sin and disordered attachments to become more like Jesus. We believe with St. Paul that “If we have died with Christ, we will also live with him” (Rom 6:8). It is a season where we set our gaze on the cross of Christ and place our hope in his resurrection.

Lent Begins with My Spouse...
John Cuddeback
This title can sound like a joke on my wife. It is not. (More truly it could be a joke on me.) Marriage is at the center of the life-drama of anyone who is married. It is always a fitting place to begin again, to start afresh. Especially in Lent. A classic principle regarding Lenten practices is to focus on what needs changing in our life. In other words, it is a perfect time to resolve...

Don’t give Trump a pass on IVF...
Phil Lawler
Whether or not President Trump discusses in vitro fertilization in his State of the Union address tonight, IVF is a topic that should be on the minds of pro-life Americans. That Trump has promised to broaden access to IVF should be no surprise; he made that promise during his campaign. What is a surprise is that some prominent pro-lifers have urged us not to complain. On balance Trump has been good for the pro-life movement, they argue; we should not weaken him by criticism.

Pure Murder: A Review of Gladiator II...

Vatican’s Ash Wednesday Morning Update: ‘Pope Has Another Restful Night in Rome’s Gemelli Hospital’...

Are you considered old or young in America? Enter your age here and find out...

Baby Cakes, the News, and Saving Lives...
J.D. Flynn
Today is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day, and the final day of Fastelavn, or if you prefer, Carnival. Tomorrow begins Lent: We’ll go into the desert with Jesus, who himself went into the desert like his ancestors did, wandering 40 years while they waited for God to bring them into his promise. Before Lent begins, I’ll give you the take that might prove my most controversial yet. Ready? Here it is. King cake is terrible.

‘Seven Last Words’: Are You Ready For The 40 days of Lent?
Scott Hahn
The final words of Jesus Christ on the Cross are among the most profound and sacred moments in all of Scripture. In this introductory episode, we look at the theological weight these seven statements carry, which reveal Jesus’ heart, His mission, and His fulfillment of salvation history.

Your fraternal correction could save a soul...
Fr. Victor Feltes
Lovingly correcting someone who is in moral or religious error is a good thing to do. As St. James writes in his New Testament Letter, “If anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” Like a father who disciplines every son he acknowledges and delights in...

Pope Francis Teaches about Hope and Mercy [Paywall]...

Meet Jerusalem’s ‘Jesus Guy’ Who Calls the Church of the Holy Sepulchre Home...

Saturday Morning Update: ‘After a Quiet Night, the Pope Is Resting’ Following Bronchospasm and Emergency Ventilation...

Why We Need Lent — Advice from St. Benedict...

Not Breaking, Necessary Vulgarity, and Breakfast Vibes...

Remembering W. David Solomon, Founding Director of Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics and Culture...

Vatican Thursday Morning Update: ‘Pope Francis Sleeps Well as Health Shows Slight Improvement’...

Get this entire Catholic website as an instant digital download...
The full contents of the New Advent website are available as a digital download. It includes the Catholic Encyclopedia, Church Fathers, Summa, Bible and more — and it's only $19.99...


Copyright © 2023 by Kevin Knight email Dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.