(DE HONDT), canonist and historian, born at Nymwegen in Geldern and belonged to the same distinguished family as Saint Peter Canisius, who was his uncle; died 2 September, 1610, at Ingolstadt. He studied at the university of Louvain, and in 1590 was appointed professor of canon law at Ingolstadt. He was the author of "Summa Juris Canonici" (Ingolstadt, 1594); "Praelectiones Academicae" (ib., 1609); "Comment. in lib. III decretalium" (ib., 1629); "De Sponsalibus et Matrimonio" (ib., 1613). A complete edition of his canonical writings appeared at Louvain in 1649 and at Cologne in 1662. The fruits of his labours in the historical field appeared in a work entitled, "Antiquae Lectiones, seu antiqua monumenta ad historiam mediae aetatis illustrandam" (6 vols., Ingolstadt, 1601-1604). In 1608 a seventh volume, a "Promptuarium Ecclesiasticum" was added by way of supplement. The work lacked systematic arrangement, and included much matter of minor value. It was afterwards entirely recast and critically sifted by Basnage, under the title "Thesaurus Monumentorum ecclesiasticorum et historicorum" (7 vols., Antwerp, 1725). Canisius edited for the first time the "Chronica Victoris Episcop. Tunnunensis et Joannis Episcop. Biclariensis", and the "Legatio Luitprandi" (Ingolstadt, 1600). We are likewise indebted to him for an edition of the "Historiae miscellae Pauli Diaconi" (ib., 1603).
APA citation. (1908). Henricus Canisius. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03250b.htm
MLA citation. "Henricus Canisius." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 3. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1908. <http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03250b.htm>.
Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Sean Hyland.
Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. November 1, 1908. Remy Lafort, S.T.D., Censor. Imprimatur. +John Cardinal Farley, Archbishop of New York.
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